Multiple Fish Habitat Partnerships have recently announced requests for project proposals (RFPs) across the country. Federal funding for the grant opportunities are available under the National Fish Habitat Partnership through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). Guidelines for the use of NFHAP funds by the Service can be found at FWS Policies, which all applicants are encouraged to review. The funds can only be used for on-the-ground habitat conservation projects and related design and monitoring activities; are not able to be used for acquisition in fee or easement. All projects must have a minimum of a 1:1 funding from partner contributions. The Partnerships that have RFPs available are listed below, along with the closing date.
California Fish Passage Forum - (November 15)
Desert Fish Habitat Partnership - (September 30)
Fishers and Farmers Partnership - (October 3)
Great Plains Fish Habitat Partnership - (November 1)
Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership - (October 7)
Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership - (October 7)
Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership - (September 30)
Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership - (October 15)
Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership - (October 7)
Pacific Marine and Estuarine Partnership - (November 15)
Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership - (October 31)
Southwest Alaska Salmon Habitat Partnership - (September 30)
Western Native Trout Initiative - (October 7)