
Sportfishing and Conservation Groups Hail Introduction of National Fish Habitat Conservation Act in

Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced S. 1436 the National Fish Habitat Conservation Act on June 26, 2017. The bipartisan legislation authorizes the National Fish Habitat Partnership – a nationwide effort established to protect, restore and enhance the nation’s aquatic resources and fish habitat, as well as codify the National Fish Habitat Action Plan.

“This legislation is critical to the valuable work of our Fish Habitat Partnerships across the Country,” said Tom Champeau, Chair of the National Fish Habitat Board. “We appreciate the efforts of Senator Crapo and Cardin and their staffs in getting this bill introduced.”

The National Fish Habitat Conservation Act codifies and supports a purely voluntary, locally-driven program to identify and carry out fish habitat restoration projects throughout the country. The program is comprised of locally and regionally based partnerships representing federal, state and local agencies; conservation and sportsmen’s organizations; private landowners; and the business sector. These partnerships have already led to over 680 successful conservation projects in all 50 states benefitting fish habitat and anglers throughout the country.

The introduction of this legislation is the culmination of efforts of partners including, Trout Unlimited, the American Sportfishing Association, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies among others to sustain support for the conservation projects of our 20 Partnerships across the United States. S. 1436, is listed as part of the HELP for Wildlife Act S.1514 which was a package introduced this week in the Senate EPW Committee.