
The America’s Conservation Enhancement Act Reauthorization Introduced in the U.S. Senate

(Washington, DC) – On Friday, February 9, the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Reauthorization Act was introduced in the Senate with the support of recreational fishing industry advocates and conservation partners of the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP). The bipartisan legislation was introduced by Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), and co-sponsored by Senators Cardin (D-MD), Boozman (R-AR), Padilla (D-CA), Wicker (R-MS), Whitehouse (D-RI), Mullin (R-OK), and Van Hollen (D-MD).

Notably, the ACE Reauthorization Act will reauthorize important programs and conservation community priorities including NFHP along with the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act, and key programs supporting the Chesapeake Bay. ACE Reauthorization Act will increase the NFHP authorization from $7.2 million to $10 million annually while also changing reporting and match funding requirements. The reauthorization also authorizes $1 million in dedicated funding for the Board’s National Fish Habitat Assessment. This would continue the nearly 20 years of work conducted by NFHP which is a voluntary, non-regulatory, fish habitat conservation program. Since 2006, the National Fish Habitat Partnership conservation projects have reconnected more than 6,000 miles of rivers and streams while conserving over 45,000 acres of river, lake, riparian, upland, estuary, and wetland habitat.

“We applaud the Senate sponsors of the ACE Act Reauthorization. This critical legislation will ensure that the National Fish Habitat Partnership remains a successful program in helping partners conserve fish habitat across the country,” said Robert Boyles, Chair of the National Fish Habitat Board. “This legislation would not be possible without our partners in conservation, who have put a lot of effort and dedication into making our program what it is today.”

The legislative package is endorsed by Ducks Unlimited, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, the National Wildlife Federation, the American Sportfishing Association, the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

About the National Fish Habitat Partnership:
Since 2006, NFHP has supported 1,300 projects benefiting fish habitat throughout all 50 states. This effort works to conserve fish habitat nationwide, leveraging federal, state, tribal, and private funding resources to achieve the greatest effect on fish populations through priority conservation projects of 20 Fish Habitat Partnerships that are organized around key fish species, geographic areas, or important fish habitats. In 2020, NFHP was recognized by Congress as part of the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act. NFHP guidance and policies are developed in conjunction with our partnerships and National Fish Habitat Board. For more information, visit: