Bear Creek, Wisconsin
Bear Creek, Wisconsin

Bear Creek begins in Sauk County and flows for nearly 27 miles before entering the Wisconsin River, approximately 1.7 miles west of Lone Rock, in Richland County. It is currently classified by statute as a cold water stream in the upper reaches and as a warm water sport fishery in the lower 8.2 mile reach near the mouth. Six major tributary streams and many small tributaries flow into Bear Creek. Years of erosion has taken its toll on Bear Creek and several partners jumped into action to remediate the problem. Wisconsin DNR worked with a private landowner to secure a public fishing easement which helped catapult the streambank work.

Bear Creek begins in Sauk County and flows for nearly 27 miles before entering the Wisconsin River, approximately 1.7 miles west of Lone Rock, in Richland County. It is currently classified by statute as a cold water stream in the upper reaches and as a warm water sport fishery in the lower 8.2 mile reach near the mouth. Six major tributary streams and many small tributaries flow into Bear Creek. Years of erosion has taken its toll on Bear Creek and several partners jumped into action to remediate the problem. Wisconsin DNR worked with a private landowner to secure a public fishing easement which helped catapult the streambank work.

2012 outcomes:
Further enhancement of streambanks to restore natural stream flow over a 2-mile stretch.

Trout Unlimited (TU)
The Sauk County Land Conservation Department
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR)
USDA’s Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP)
US Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS)