Holly Creek directly provides habitat for a diverse assemblage of native fish and freshwater mussels and is home to six federally listed and one at-risk species. Holly Creek including the habitat at the project site supports a cool-water recreational fishery. The aquatic habitat has been degraded from poultry pollution caused by insufficient riparian buffers along streams and incompatible land management techniques. This watershed is a high-priority watershed with The Nature Conservancy, Limestone Valley RC&D as well as USFWS and SARP. TNC and the Limestone Valley have been using the SARP Protocol to survey culverts and determine high-priority restoration sites. The project will restore the riparian buffer by planting native vegetation and use natural channel design techniques to stabilize the eroding stream bank.
The Holly Creek directly provides habitat for a diverse assemblage of native fish and freshwater mussels and is home to six federally listed and one at-risk species. Holly Creek including the habitat at the project site supports a cool-water recreational fishery. The aquatic habitat has been degraded from poultry pollution caused by insufficient riparian buffers along streams and incompatible land management techniques. This watershed is a high-priority watershed with The Nature Conservancy, Limestone Valley RC&D as well as USFWS and SARP. TNC and the Limestone Valley have been using the SARP Protocol to survey culverts and determine high-priority restoration sites. The project will restore the riparian buffer by planting native vegetation and use natural channel design techniques to stabilize the eroding stream bank.
Project Timeline:
December 2020-Design and Permitting, NEPA and ESA Compliance
Early October 2021: Mobilization and Site Preparation
Mid October 2021: Construction of Toe wood and Vegetated Geo-lifts
Late October 2021: Riparian Planting
Project Partners:
The Coosa River Basin Initiative (CRBI)
Corblu Inc.
Limestone Valley RC&D
Private landowner
Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
US Fish and Wildlife Service