California Fish Passage Forum
California Fish Passage Forum

The mission of the California Fish Passage Forum is to protect and restore listed anadromous salmonid species, and other aquatic organisms, in California by promoting collaboration among public and private sectors for fish passage improvement projects and programs. Species of concern include (but are not limited to): coho and chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and Pacific lamprey.

Board recognized March, 2010
Our mission is to protect and revitalize anadromous fish populations in California by restoring connectivity of freshwater habitats throughout their historic range.
The California Fish Passage Forum is a collaborative entity formed among state, local, and federal agencies, fisheries conservation groups, researchers, restoration contractors, and other interested parties to explore and develop an effective methodology, and plan to restore and recover anadromous fish populations by improving fish passage at man-made barriers. The Forum’s primary goal is to restore the connectivity of freshwater habitats throughout the historic range of anadromous fish. This goal is to be achieved through seven objectives including barrier remediation, collaborative work among Forum signatories and partners: funding, permitting, monitoring, policy, education and outreach and science-based applications of fish passage principles.


Holly Steindorf Coordinator California Fish Passage Forum



California Fish Passage Forum Strategic Framework (2023 - 2028)